lab(1) Command Manual
LAB(1) General Commands Manual LAB(1)
lab – Interact with a running SnippetsLab application.
lab subcommand [--version] [--help]
Show the version.
-h, --help
Show help information.
search Search the library.
Returns all snippets when no query is specified.
lab search
lab search "hello world"
lab search --launch --title-only --cases "hello world"
lab search --language swift "hello world"
--timeout timeout
The maximum number of seconds to wait for the host app to respond.
--app-type app-type
-l, --launch
Launch if it isn't already running. If the `lab` executable is
located within the app bundle, that app is launched. Otherwise, you can
influence which app is launched by specifying `--app-type` with value of either
`appstore` or `setapp`.
-v, --verbose
Print more information about progress.
Search only snippet titles.
Disable fuzzy search.
Use case-sensitive search.
--folder folder...
Only show results matching the given folder uuid or name. Note: The result is
undefined if multiple folders have the same name. It is advised to pass a UUID
when possible, which can be obtained by running `lab list filters`.
--tag tag...
Only show results matching the given tag UUID or name.
--language language...
Only show results matching the given language. Accepts both lexer names (e.g.
"SwiftLexer") and language aliases (e.g. "swift").
--limit limit
Limit the search result to the given number of snippets. Specify 0 for no
--format format
query The search query.
Show the version.
-h, --help
Show help information.
list List information about the library.
lab list filters
type What to list.
--timeout timeout
The maximum number of seconds to wait for the host app to respond.
--app-type app-type
-l, --launch
Launch if it isn't already running. If the `lab` executable is
located within the app bundle, that app is launched. Otherwise, you can
influence which app is launched by specifying `--app-type` with value of either
`appstore` or `setapp`.
-v, --verbose
Print more information about progress.
Show the version.
-h, --help
Show help information.
fetch Fetch the contents of a snippet or fragment by the UUID.
The UUID can be obtained by running `lab search` first.
lab fetch --snippet 2C73D5B2-BA63-47EF-B951-86C15A63E862
--snippet snippet
The uuid of the snippet.
--fragment fragment
The uuid of the fragment.
--timeout timeout
The maximum number of seconds to wait for the host app to respond.
--app-type app-type
-l, --launch
Launch if it isn't already running. If the `lab` executable is
located within the app bundle, that app is launched. Otherwise, you can
influence which app is launched by specifying `--app-type` with value of either
`appstore` or `setapp`.
-v, --verbose
Print more information about progress.
Show the version.
-h, --help
Show help information.
The lab utility exits 0 on success, and >0 if an error occurs.
macOS 14.5 August 3, 2024 macOS 14.5