What’s New in SnippetsLab 1.4

Dec 01, 2015

Major Update

  • Tags: Introducing a new way to manage your snippets. Add an unlimited number of tags to a snippet and browse snippets by tags. Tags can be sorted by name or snippet count.

  • Smart Groups: Create smart groups to organize your snippets. Smart groups automatically gather snippets based on user-defined criteria, such as snippet title, category, tag, language, description, content, tag count, and fragment count.


  • Added an option to display invisible characters.

  • Added an option to specify default snippets in SnippetsLab Assistant.

  • Export your library as JSON or XML document, or as plain text files in a zip archive.

  • Added an option to auto-sort all folders and smart groups by name.

  • Use keyboard shortcuts Command-1 ~ Command-9 to quickly switch between fragments. Additionally, press Command-} and Command-{ to navigate to the next or previous fragment, respectively.

  • Right-click on a fragment and choose “Move to Right” or “Move to Left” to rearrange your fragments. Alternatively, use the keyboard shortcuts Option-Command-} and Option-Command-{.

  • Drag text to the app icon to create a new snippet.

  • Drag a snippet from the snippets list to other apps to export or insert as plain text.

  • Updated the Objective-C syntax highlighter to support more classes, protocols, and functions.

  • New keyboard shortcuts Command-[ and Command-] to shift the selected code block left or right.

  • New keyboard shortcut Option-Command-C to copy selected text with styles.

  • New keyboard shortcut Command-D to duplicate selected lines.

  • Select Editor > Processing > Strip Trailing Spaces from the menu bar to remove trailing spaces within the current fragment.

  • Select Editor > Processing > Convert Indentation to Spaces or Convert Indentation to Tabs from the menu bar to convert indentation within the current fragment.

  • Wrapped lines are now automatically indented with four characters. You can adjust the indentation amount in Preferences.

What's New in SnippetsLab 1.4.1

Dec 19, 2015

  • Added an OS X service to create snippets from text selections in any application.

  • Added keyboard shortcuts for copying snippets and switching between folder and tag modes in the sidebar.

  • Added the ability to define custom keyboard shortcuts for syntax coloring modes.

  • Various minor bug fixes and UI improvements.