What’s New in SnippetsLab 1.9

Jul 16, 2019

Major Update

  • Automatic Code Formatting: Beautify your code automatically when pasted into SnippetsLab, or manually at any time. Now supports Swift, Objective-C, JavaScript, CSS, Java, PHP, C, C++, and C#, with more languages to come in future releases.

  • Paste Snippet Content from SnippetsLab Assistant: Now you can choose to paste the content of your snippet directly into the active app from SnippetsLab Assistant.

  • History Navigation: Quickly navigate through your recently viewed snippets using keyboard shortcuts.


  • Duplicate a snippet.

  • Toggle comments with keyboard shortcut Command-/ for supported languages.

  • Fenced code blocks in Markdown snippets now have language-specific syntax highlighting.

  • Added syntax highlighting for 22 new languages, including Augeas, BBCBasic, Boa, Charmci, DASM16, Fennel, FloScript, Freefem, HLSL, Hspec, Icon, Pony, SARL, Slash, Slurm, SmartGameFormat, TOML, Tera Term macro, ucode, Unicon, VBScript, and Xorg.

Resolved Issues

  • SnippetsLab Assistant custom search criteria now functions properly.

  • Fixed a possible crash when creating folders, smart groups, or snippets.

  • Resolved occasional hangs when editing Markdown snippets.

What's New in SnippetsLab 1.9.1

Sep 17, 2019

  • Resolved compatibility issues with macOS 10.15 Catalina.

  • Other bug fixes and performance improvements.

What's New in SnippetsLab 1.9.2

Oct 2, 2019

  • Full-text search now includes fragment titles.

  • Enhanced syntax coloring across various languages and themes.

  • Improved text rendering speed.

  • Improved Swift code formatting.

  • Other bug fixes and performance improvements.

What's New in SnippetsLab 1.9.3

Dec 13, 2020

  • Fixed an issue with GitHub.com account authentication that could prevent users from signing in.

  • Fixed occasional app crashes.

  • Resolved compatibility issues with macOS Big Sur.