What’s New in SnippetsLab 2.0

Sep 13, 2021

Major Update

  • Fresh UI with Polished Themes: The UI has been updated for a more modern and consistent look. All themes have been extensively updated—be sure to check them out!

  • Customizable Themes: Customize existing themes or create new themes. Change not only syntax coloring but almost every aspect of the app interface. The app can now also switch between light and dark themes automatically, following system appearance.

  • Unified Sidebar: Folders and tags are now displayed in the same workspace in the sidebar. New features include sidebar content search and the ability to add tags to Favorites.


  • Added support for arm64 Apple Silicon Macs.

  • Snippets imported from GitHub now display a gist icon in the snippets list.

  • Moved the history menu to the main menu for quick navigation to recently viewed snippets.

  • Added an option to highlight the current line in the code editor.

  • Added the ability to resize SnippetsLab Assistant window and choose from three scales for Quick Look.

  • Detach the Quick Look window by dragging its edge away from the assistant.

  • New navigation keyboard shortcuts in SnippetsLab Assistant: Command-1~9 for switching between the first nine fragments, Command-Up/Down to jump to the top/bottom, and Option-Up/Down to scroll up/down.

  • Arrow-related keyboard shortcuts also apply to the search filter menu.

  • Compact mode now applies to the SnippetsLab Assistant.

  • Expanded Markdown format options in the Format menu, including footnotes, thematic breaks, subscript, superscript, and task list.

  • Enhanced syntax highlighting for Swift, Objective-C, CSS, and Python, with support for SwiftUI and other new language features.

  • Swiping on the snippets list now copies the snippet, replacing the previous delete action.

  • Added the ability to record a single-key shortcut.

  • Improved language search in Preferences, making it easier to find languages like C and R.

  • Improved the response time for Alfred workflow search function.

  • Other performance and reliability improvements.

Resolved Issues

  • Fixed an issue where the assistant search filter menu might appear on the wrong screen.

  • Texts pasted into the search bar no longer appears dark when using a dark theme.

  • Markdown preview content size now scales with the main editor font size.

  • Resolved an issue with the show invisibles option causing misbehavior in the text editor when an unsupported font is selected.

  • Fixed a bug preventing iCloud sync updates while the app is running.

  • Corrected the snippet count displayed in the search filter menu.

What's New in SnippetsLab 2.0.1

Sep 24, 2021

  • The app now remembers and restores sidebar and snippet selection upon relaunch.

  • Full-text search now includes tags.

  • Fixed an issue where the text styles are not properly reset when switching fragments.

  • The tags field no longer shows a vertical scroller in legacy mode.

  • Fixed a bug that prevents the plain text color from updating in real time when editing themes.

  • Detached Quick Look can now appear over other fullscreen apps.

  • Miscellaneous bug fixes.

What's New in SnippetsLab 2.0.2

Jan 19, 2022

  • Improved brackets and quotes autocompletion.

  • Improved invisible character rendering.

  • Text find and replace in the editor now uses the integrated find bar.

  • Added more Cocoa symbols for Swift and Objective-C syntax highlighting.

  • Resolved a system alert pertaining to impending Python framework deprecation.

  • Fixed an issue where copying a discontiguous range only copies the first selection.

  • Fixed a layout issue that may occur when wrap indentation is enabled.

  • Fixed a bug that may cause the assistant window to appear on the wrong screen when screens are arranged vertically.

  • Desktop tinting now applies to the assistant when using the Mojave Dark theme.

  • Improved default styles for Markdown preview.

  • Fixed an issue where autocomplete may suggest non-existent options when entering tags.

  • Other minor bug fixes and performance improvements.

What's New in SnippetsLab 2.0.3

Jan 24, 2022

  • Fixed an issue where deleting in-use custom themes may cause the app to misbehave until restarted.

  • Fixed an issue where the Assistant window may occasionally fail to update appearance when switching between themes.

  • Fixed a regression in 2.0.2 that added extra trailing line break when copying rich text.